, pub-9634938891709265, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Volunteer Appreciation PartyWe had such a fun time at our Volunteer Appreciation Western Murder Mystery last week! Who dun it? A big thank you to Tia Golding for hosting the event and building all those great props!; Tara of Chartwell Retirement Residences for sponsoring the event and for the lovely spa items. Volunteer Appreciation Party ParticipantsWe hope all of our volunteers attend our Volunteer Appreciation Parties. If you haven't been contacted yet, please give us a shout! Let us know if you volunteered for the garage sale, the casino or a position inhouse by emailing This is a day that is meant for our volunteers. We are now tracking our volunteers in a new way for the garage sale and casino, so will be able to send you an invite for our Volunteer events (provided you are registered). Many thanks go out to our Volunteers for all of their hard work!! |