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  • Please Donate: Donations to our Centre are critical to our ongoing programming and operations.  
  • Suggested Donations: All donations, at any level, are greatly appreciated.   Recommended Giving Levels are: $25, $50, $75, $100, $250, $500, $750, $1000+
  • Legacy Donations:  If you would like to leave a bequest in your will, please contact the Executive Director. 

Thank you so much for your generosity!

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* Mandatory fields
*First name
*Last name
*Amount ($CAD)
 Payment frequency
*Is this a President's Appeal donation?
*Is this a donation for our Tea & Conversation program?
*Would you like to be acknowledged?
Please let us know how we can acknowledge your generous donation.

Charitable Receipts

Only donations of $20 or more are issued charitable receipts; however, all donations are important to us and gratefully accepted.

Charitable Registration #: 13217 1638 RR0001

How Funds are Utilized

Funds at Confederation Park 55+ Activity Centre are used in various ways:

  • General donations are used on an as-needed basis to operate the Centre and our programs
  • Tea & Conversation specified donations are used to support the T&C program which needs funds to cover the room costs, transporation to and from T&C for qualified members, and entertainment.
  • Ongoing Programs and Services that help our members such as our various professional services and social programs require continual funding.
  • Subsidy Program:  Our low-income members can't always afford a full-cost class or join in on events at a full-ticket price.  In order for all of our members to enjoy our programs, we can provide a subsidy to low income seniors for classes and events. Please consider giving to this program as we are unable to offer low-cost classes and events without your help.

Fundraising Ideas

Do you have a fundraising idea you'd like to share with us?  Would you consider organizing an online fundraiser with the proceeds coming directly to our Centre? Do you sell Avon, Mary Kay or other items?  If so, we'd like to talk to you!  Please contact our Executive Director (below).

Contact Information for Donations

Jeannette Provo, Executive Director
403-289-4780, ext 202

Charitable Registration #: 13217 1638 RR0001

© 2024 Confederation Park 55+ Activity Centre | 2244 Chicoutimi Dr. NW Calgary, AB T2L 0W1 | 403-289-4780 | Site Map

Charitable Registration #: 13217 1638 RR0001

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