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A Community of Active, enriched lives.
Connecting adults with opportunities to be informed, active and engaged
2. Maintain financial sustainability and pursue growth.
2.1. Diversify revenue sources to achieve an additional $100,000 by October 2026.
2.2. Review our business model and report to the Board by the end of third quarter 2025.
2.3. Increase operational efficiency by 5% by October 2027.
3. Become a leader in technology and innovation.
3.1. Develop a platform for regional collaboration within the non-profit sector by December 2029.
3.2. Develop a plan for digital infrastructure that will serve the needs for all stakeholders by FYE 2025.
4. Operate from a facility that meets membership needs.
4.1. Develop a Board approved and clear understanding of our facility needs and wants by June 1, 2025.
4.2. Increase by 10% year over year to December 2029, our relationships with governments, non-profits, corporations and private entities that will support the facility needs
of our membership.
Approved: |
January 29, 2025 by the Board of Directors |