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Our Community, Sponsors, ParTners and Friends

We can't do what we do without the support of a great number of organizations in Calgary!  Our new home is in the Triwood Community Centre, a hub of activity in NW Calgary, and while we have many activities, they also offer us many more opportunities!  Our Sponsors help us with our events and a variety of different things that we, frankly, couldn't afford to do without them.  City Services and other Non-Profit Organizations also help our members in countless ways.  In 2023, we opened the doors to Super Membership, which extended activity centre memberships throughout the entire City of Calgary!

Have a look through our Community section; we know you'll find every organization equally interesting!  If you know of an organization that you'd like to share with your fellow members, please contact

We regularly feature community and sponsor events in our Tuesday e-mails.  Be sure to sign up for our email list here

For your convenience, we've listed a variety of Facebook pages below which show many events and activities throughout Calgary.

For Adults 18 years & older

Did you know that anyone over the age of 18 is welcome at most Plus 50 Activity Centres?  We love our younger members too! Just click on ASSOCIATE MEMBER when you purchase a membership!  Super Memberships are also available for those under 50 (or 55 at our Centre).  The only difference is usually just when it comes to voting at the AGM (only full members can vote). By becoming an Associate Member, you can take advantage of our low cost classes and clubs - and learn from the experts! We have years of experience that we'd love to share with you!



© 2024 Confederation Park 55+ Activity Centre | 2244 Chicoutimi Dr. NW Calgary, AB T2L 0W1 | 403-289-4780 | Site Map

Charitable Registration #: 13217 1638 RR0001

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