, pub-9634938891709265, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Membership Fees: There is absolutely no refund for membership fees. Memberships are non-transferable. Membership fees drop to half price when purchased in the summer for use in the fall session.
Class Fees: The policy for Confederation Park is that there will be no refunds for classes. Classes are non-transferable. Pro-rated fees are only offered in the last month of the session with the permission of the Executive Director. Any classes that are cancelled by the instructor or by our landlord, will be added at the end of the session if possible. If it is not possible a refund will be given. (ie, there may not be dates available at the end of the session in some cases).
Club Fees: The policy for Confederation Park is that there are no refunds for club fees. Club fees are non-transferable. Pro-rated fees are only offered with the permission of the Executive Director.
How to apply for an Exception:
1. Classes may only be cancelled by the Executive Director and only in extraordinary circumstances such as a medical reason.
2. Cancelled Classes will be refunded according to the number of Classes remaining, minus a $20 cancellation fee.
3. Cancellation requests must be made in-person ONLY to the Executive Director and are effective the day of request.
Drop-In Card - Terms & Conditions