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OUR SPONSORSWe extend our heartfelt thanks to our corporate sponsors that help with our events, programs, presentations and in many, many other ways. We could not offer our very popular and unique programming without them. Please take the time to learn more about each of our sponsors by reviewing their individual sponsor pages. They each offer unique services that cater specifically to Aging Adults and Seniors!
Each of these sponsors visit us every month at Tea & Conversation: Thursdays from 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM. Pop by their tables to say hello!
Sponsor PromotionYou scratch our back, we'll scratch yours! We do our utmost to promote our sponsors wherever and whenever we can. Depending on which sponsorship package you choose, the following are ways we promote our sponsors:
Our members voluntarily sign up for our emails and they receive a minimum of 2 emails from us per week. Delivery and Open Rates of our eBlasts have been historically very consistent with a less than 0.1% overall Unsubscribe Rate and 0.2% Bounce Rate. Our Email Archives are listed under the 'About Us' section. Average Open and Click Rates are as follow:
Would you like to become our sponsor?Please contact our Executive Director, Jeannette Provo, at or call her at 403-289-4780. Please also mention if you are interested in Super Membership Sponsorship. |