, pub-9634938891709265, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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Course description:
Zumba Gold is a low impact dance fitness class. It is a follow the leader aerobics that explores not only Latin music but all kinds of music. The moves are easy to follow and fun! This class is great for those who love music and dance.
Instructor, Paula Bickford has been dancing for 40 years, teaching dance and fitness for 18 years. Paula has been certified in Zumba since 2009.
What equipment is required by the student to bring to class?
None. Comfy clothes and running shoes.
What level of competency should the student be at to attend this course?
Participants should have good stability and movement abilities.
Is a partner required?
© 2024 Confederation Park 55+ Activity Centre | 2244 Chicoutimi Dr. NW Calgary, AB T2L 0W1 | | 403-289-4780 | Site Map
Charitable Registration #: 13217 1638 RR0001