Spring Forest is a medical form of Qi-gong. It was developed by Master Chunyi Lyn. He developed this form with the intent to allow anyone to benefit from the practice, no matter their ability. With balance comes healing. With balance comes peak performance. With balance comes inner peace, harmony and happiness. Qi-gong movements are specifically designed to focus on activating the body's energy system. That is why Qigong movements are often referred to as moving meditations.
If you believe it, it works. If you don't believe it, it still works. If you believe it will work, it often works faster. Either way, it works, because energy is energy. ~ Chunyi Lin, Qigong Master
What we will do in this class is the Spring Forest Qi-gong: Level One active exercise, guided meditation, and harvesting of Qi at the end.
Instructed by Susan Lennox.
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